The North-Hungarian SME Innovation Service Cluster
Driven by the aims of effectiveness and competitiveness the establishment of economical cores has been elaborated to spuuort economic potential through the development of framework conditions for networking and critical mass. Corporate networks are considered as co-operations of companies and business units, based on functional, knowledge and resource intensive division of labour that:
- aims to implement common strategic objectives as a result of common problem solution;
- based on mutual trust and possible advantages;
Concentrated consumption of resources and risk-sharing has been achieved through the share of tasks and responsilibilities in cooperations. To increase economic competitiveness at regional level, follow-up activity of international trends and the exploitation of results is needed.
The establishment of North Hungarian SME Innovation Service Cluster has been inspired by the above mentioned conceptions.
Advantages of membership:
- strong ability to enforce interests;
- resume development objectives into Cluster Strategy and Action Plans;
- creation of critical mass;
- increase in international visibility;
- professional partnerships;
- creation of new partnerships and joint, positive image;
- organisation of joint events;
- better access to financial sources for developments aims;
- development of trust-based genuine partnerships between cluster members;
- facilitating common R&D&I activities, broadening the thematic fields of research ;
- improvement of products/services manufactured/providedby the members;
- supportingand extendingnational and international market position.
- thematic enlargement of research background;
- strengthen innovation services provided;
- negotiations to explore problematic issues among corporations;
- support possible synergies;
- job creation;
Operational frameworks:
The management of the cluster takes place in three levels. Professionally, the Strategic Committee possesses those overall decision-making authorities, essential for operation and implementation of development goals. Besides the Managing Authority, the Innovation Committee is to coordinate and harmonise innovations and R&D processes at cluster-level. The Innovation Agency is responsible for the operational tasks of the cluster.
- Andrássy Gyula Műszaki Középiskola
- Bányahő-hasznosító Holding Zrt
- Bay Zoltán Alkalmazott Kutatási NK Kft
- Betatherm Kft.
- BÜKK-MAK LEADER Nonprofit Kft
- Bükk-Térségi LEADER Egyesület
- Elastico Kft.
- Fiber Composite Kft.
- Fireplace Kft.
- FUX Zrt.
- Innocenter Innovációs Központ Kft.
- INNTEK Nonprofit Kft.
- Intern Kft.
- JKH Kft
- Kelet-magyarországi Húsosok Kereskedelmi Kft.
- Kerekes'92 Kft
- Magyar Virtuális Mikrohálózatok Mérlegköri Klaszter Egyesület
- Micro Europe Kft.
- MIFER Kft.
- Miskolci Egyetem
- NORRIA Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.
- Palbar Kft
- Sajó-Hús Kft.
- Star*Plus Kft.
- Technoplast McD Kft.
- TS Hungaria Kft.
- Zempléni Regionális Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány
- Zempléni Tájak Vidékfejlesztési Egyesület
- Zempléni Térség- és Vállalkozásfejlesztési Kft.
Organisation Model of the North Hungarian SME Innovation Services Cluster
Operational Model of the North Hungarian SME Innovation Services Cluster