NORRIA possesses great experience in project generation and implementation in international and national projects as well.

Participation in International Programmes(including research, innovation and territorial cooperation programmes)

Over years NORRIA is actively involved in international programmes under FP7, CIP and other Territorial Cooperation Programmes.

  • running projects

RESGen– RES Generation, From Research Infrastructure to Sustainable Energy and Reduction of CO2 Emissions (under FP7)

RESGenThe overall objective of RESGen project is to create realistic grounds and practical tools for developing regional energy self sufficiency, and potential innovative regional research-driven clusters across the EU. The project started in May 2009 and will continue until 30th April 2012. You will find more detailed information about the project’s objectives and the concept from the links on the left side navigation.

The RESGen-workplan consisting of six Work Packages, associates topics such as Road Maps and Visions 2010-2020 for the regions involved in the project. Also the creation of a Joint Action Plan and mentoring have a high degree of importance as well as communication and dissemination throughout the entire project lifetime. You will find additional information about the workplan from the Content-segment of this website.


The partnership of RESGen consists from 9 partners representing 4 different countries that are: Finland, Hungary, Spain and United Kingdom. The partners and regions are presented in detail in the Regions-segment.

RESGen is supported by the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (Regions of Knowledge).

For more information please visit the following website:


OPEN DAYS 2010- Innovative employment in Europe's cities and regions consortium

OPEN DAYS 2010Since 2003, the OPEN DAYS - European Week of Regions and Cities, has become an annual key event at which cities and regions to showcase their capacity for creating growth and jobs, implementing European Union cohesion policy, and proof the importance of the local level for good European governance.

The OPEN DAYS will be held for the eighth time in Brussels between 4 and 7 October 2010. Again, around 100 seminars, workshops or debates plus exhibitions and networking opportunities will be take place, organised in partnership with regions and cities from all over Europe, and including contributions by companies, banks and international associations and academic organisations.

On the eve of an intensive debate about the reform of Cohesion Policy post-2013, the OPEN DAYS will concentrate on 'competitiveness, co-operation and cohesion' and present best practice from regional development programmes across Europe:

  • Seminars on 'competitiveness' will focus on innovation, regional development and green economic growth, and on results achieved by regions supported by the 'regional competitiveness and employment objective'
  • Workshops on 'co-operation' will include debates about territorial and cross-border co-operation, the European Grouping on Territorial Cooperation (EGTC), and 'macro regions' will highlight latest developments and enhance exchange among practitioners
  • The theme 'cohesion' will focus on discussions elaborating on 'territorial' and 'social' cohesion and on the question of how to better integrate different policies at the local level.

The Meeting Place and the OPEN DAYS University will provide for thematic exhibitions, networking opportunities and exchange among researchers, and economic and financial actors: The Meeting Placein the Committee of the Regions' premises will invite companies, regions, cities and banks to present projects supporting 'green regional economies', public-private partnerships and best practice in cross-border co-operation. In cooperation with international organisations and associations, the OPENDAYS Universitywill add the academic point of view on questions related to regional development and EU cohesion policy in particular.

Under the headline 'Europe in my region (city)', another 260 local eventswill be organised all over Europe by the event partners between September and November 2010. Local institutions and organisations, such as regions, municipalities, Structural Funds managing authorities, regional development agencies, chambers of commerce, universities and other are invited to participate and to suggest European events planned during that period to the OPEN DAYS organisers.

For more information please visit the following website:


Harmonized development of bilateral, sustainable tourism strategy and joint touristic programs of Zakarpatska and BÜKK-Miskolc micro-regions with a special focus on preservation of cultural and social heritage and environmental diversity(under HU-SK-RO-UA Territorial Cooperation Programme)

The main aim and vision of the project is to support the development of harmonised sustainable tourism strategy and to creat accomodation facilities in the North Hungarian Region. The project called ’ Harmonized development of bilateral, sustainable tourism strategy and joint touristic programs of Zakarpatska region and BÜKK-Miskolc Region with a special focus on preservation of cultural and social heritage and environmental diversity’ has been created in frames of a partnership of two micro-regions at the two sides of the border. The recent study aims to examine and present those possible risks, both at financial and sustainability fields those may limit the results and goals, expected from the project.


Project website is temporary under construction.


Be-Smarter Program Be-Smarter Program– Leonardo da Vinci programme

Implementation of an environmental management system in local SMEs based on EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) standards applying the EMAS Easy methodology.




  • submitted projects

EFFECT- Upgrading Energy Efficient Public Procurement to Support a Balanced Economic Growth in SEE Area (under South-East Europe Programme)

Further information is coming soon!

SET-GIFT- South -East Territories Governance for Innovation Framework Tools (under South-East Europe Programme)

Further information is coming soon!

CEEM - Central Environmental and Energy Management as a Kit for Survival (under Central Europe Programme)

Further information is coming soon!

HUMACA- Human Capital strengthening through networking of innovation centers for micro enterprises (under Central Europe Programme)

Further information is coming soon!


  • closed projects

AER PEER Review on Energy in Republika Sprska (under Central European Initiative)AER PEER Review on Energy in Republika Sprska(under Central European Initiative)

During the PEER Review in the Republic of Srpska several field visits were organised by the government in order to provide a wider background knowledge for the experts participating in the project. The aim of the visits was to map the local environment and practices of biomass utilization while investigating the real potentials. The experts had the opportunity to meet the management of the local forestry company SUME, wood processing plants, a kettle farm, a biodiesel semi-product manufacturer, an orchard and a waste management organisation’s disposal site.

Conclusions of the opening conference, the personal discussions and the field visits confirmed; Srpska has a great potential in biomass, though former studies took that unconsiderable. The ineffective exploitation technologies, problematic acessiblility and cost-efficiency problems lead to the fact that there is a significant non-exploited forestry biomass potential.

There were other issues identified by the experts in relation to the energetic utilization of biomass, such as below:

  • non-harmonized solutions and technologies for each bio-waste category
  • there is no regular records and reporting on biomass
  • the lack of consistent legislation and subsidies
  • high cost of transportation for wood waste
  • no cost-effective technologies for the utilization
  • energy prices kept low by the State
  •  problems with measuring the individual consumption of energy
  •  high ratio of exportation of endproducts
  • no motivation and awareness raising programs for individuals or the industry
  • unsufficient level of cooperation between stakeholders


The key learning of the Peer Review is that political impetus is as important as the physical conditions and resource endowment are. Peer Reviews are suggested to have more focus on the strategic and policy(making) background thereat the political wish has a heavy impact on successful implementation of sustainabiltiy programs.  On the other side, these Reviews create a good ground for further studies tackling the main issues and mapping the feasible opportunities.


For more information on the PEER REVIEW please visit the following website:


OPEN DAYS 2009OPEN DAYS 2009– 20/20/20 Regions against climate change Consortium (demonstration of best practices and know-how exchange in order to gain benefits for the different regions)

Workshop in Brussels

This workshop was the second session of the thematic seminar organized by the regional partnership. Following the presentation in the first session of the regional plans and programmes, how the European objectives are translated into regional strategies, the second session highlighted the regional projects, those local actions that are successful to mitigate the impacts of climate change in the immediate surroundings. A particular attention was devoted to energy-related issues, like reduction of packaging, energy efficiency and saving, biomass, pollution, increasing the proportion of renewable energies in the total energy use of the local/regional communities. These actions serve not only the fight against climate change but affect indirectly the social system, create jobs and contribute to the welfare, better state of health of the local citizens.


CENCE– Connecting Energy Clusters across Europe (under FP6)

The overall objective of CENCE was to activate cooperation between European Energy Clusters by establishing a cooperative learning platform that facilitates the promotion of entrepreneurial innovation. CENCE pointed out a new concept of clustering, building new cooperation relationships between the most promising and developed EU Energy Clusters. The implementation will consist on 3 stages: LEARNING ' NETWORKING' COOPERATION.

REGMOBEX–Leonardo da Vinci programme (mobility programme including staff-exchange for professionals)

PROACT- Practical Regional Research and Innovation Policy in Action – the Efficient Tools for Regional Catching-up in New Member States (under FP6) as Division of NORDA

STIMENT- Stimulating new ways of Entrepreneurship (under INTERREG III C) as Division of NORDA

ERNEST– European research network on sustainable tourism (under FP7) as Division of NORDA

REVITAE- Restructuring, Economic development and Vitalisation supported by Innovation and Technology-transferActivities and the Extension of co-operation,Hungary-Phare ECTN-Interreg IIIC as Division of NORDA

DEPURE– The development of the system of the regional public administration’s decision preparation in the knowledge-based economy (under INTERREG III C) as Division of NORDA

The elaborated statistical platform is available on the website of NORRIA.

NORRIS - North Hungary and Košice Bilateral Regional Innovation Strategy Project(under FP6) as Division of NORDA

SHINING Mountains- Sport and Health as INnovative INitiatives for the Growth of Mountains, (under INTERREG III B CADSES Neighbourhood Programme) as Division of NORDA


Participation in National/Regional Programmes


  • management and development of clusters;
  • North-Hungarian SME Innovation Service Cluster – cluster management organisation;
  • operation of Innovation Consultancy Network;
  • Talent Pool;
  • Strategy Creation;
  • Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS);
  • Hungarian Materials Science and Nanotechnology Cluster (MANO) Strategy;
  • elaboration of studies on innovation;
  • preparation and management of call for proposals for innovation (INNOCSEKK, Gábor Baross Programme, Economic Development OP (EDOP), Environment and Energy OP (EEOP), North-Hungary OP (NHOP);